Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Louvre - June 6

Went to the Louvre Museum today, June 6, 2007. The Louvre Museum is the most visited and one of the oldest, largest, and most famous art galleries and museums in the world. The building was previously a royal place and is famous for holding several of the world's most beautiful works of art, such as Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, The Virgin and Child with St. Anne, Madonna of the Rocks, and Alexandros of Antioch's Venus de Milo. Located in the centre of the city of Paris, between the Rive Droite of the Seine and the rue de Rivoli in the Ier arrondissement, it is accessed by the Palais Royal — Musée du Louvre Metro station.

With a record 9.6 million visitors received in 2006, the Louvre is widely seen as the most visited culture and art museum in the world. It is also the most visited monument in Paris.

My favorite painting in the museum was not the Mona Lisa. Please understand that the Mona Lisa is a great work which deserves the recognition. My favorite is a portrait of two sisters by Theodore Chassebiou (1819 - 1853).

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